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The essential Vikings Blade collection

50 "Mild" Swedish Steel Double Edge Razor Blades

$21.97 USD
$29.97 USD

50 double edge safety razor blades, mild and safe Platinum coated Swedish 13C26 steel blades from USA, printed and packaged in PRC Longest lasting: 5-7 shaves/blade Suitable for: Starters; Non-coarse hair; Sensitive skin...

The Chieftain Safety Razor

$32.97 USD
$37.00 USD

The original patented Chieftain razor Time tested, perfect all-rounder Best of the Best award for 7 consecutive years Lightning fast 5-second blade change Leatherette travel case with mirror & 5 platinum...

50 "Cayenne Hot" Swedish Steel Double Edge Razor Blades

$21.97 USD

50 "Cayenne Hot" double edge safety razor blades, semi-aggressive Made from platinum coated Swedish 13C26 steel Longest lasting on the market for this aggression level: 5-7 shaves/blade  Suitable for: medium/coarse hair,...

The Admiral Razor and Brush Stand

$29.97 USD
$32.00 USD

Made of heavy-duty raw stainless steel for a manly, rugged and unique look Very heavy (0.57 lb), weightier than most chrome plated zinc stands on the market Extra wide openings: 0.71"...

Sandalwood Cedar Luxury Shave Cream

$19.97 USD
$24.97 USD

Traditional Swedish scent with a modern twist: Top grade Sandalwood & exotic Western Red Cedar This is a surfactant Non-Lather shaving cream Whip up with a wet brush and a...

The Chairman Luxury Shaving Bowl

$24.97 USD
$29.00 USD

Heavy duty stainless steel ~ 0.33 lbs (150g) Microscopic finish for extra lather consistency & volume (Vikings Blade's patent pending technology) Rough and tactile surface for ultra grip & a...

The Emperor MEIJI Adjustable Safety Razor

$62.97 USD
$69.97 USD

Vintange Bronze & Raven Black An ultra heavy short-handled adjustable safety razor The All-in-One razor: Adjustable dual head, fat & heavy Brass construction, hefty (124g) and short (95mm) This is Vikings...

White Knight Luxury Shaving Brush

$38.97 USD
$45.00 USD

A unique man made badger style hair rivaling top-of-the range Silvertip badger hair. Particularly, this knot has a strong backbone, feels ultra smooth & plush on your skin, minimal shedding...

The Godfather Safety Razor

$26.97 USD
$36.00 USD

Extra mild and forgiving, yet precise and effective Comes with a leatherette/suede travel case & 5 platinum coated super blades Although designed to last forever, as with any 3-piece razor,...

The Chieftain ODIN Safety Razor

$36.97 USD
$52.00 USD

Rose gold plating is meant to age, fade and form a unique weathered appearance / Please towel-dry razor thoroughly after use The original patented and sought-after The Chieftain razor Medium aggression,...

The Vulcan Safety Razor

$26.97 USD
$36.97 USD

Heavy big brother of the legendary Chieftain razor Medium aggression, suitable for users of any experience Premium high-end heavy duty Swedish materials & superb quality control Lightning fast 5-second blade change Comes...

The Grand Chairman Luxury Shaving Bowl

$26.97 USD
$32.00 USD

Heavy duty stainless steel (184g) with Large diameter: 3.55“ Fits large pucks and all shaving creams 2x the height and volume of the standard Chairman bowl Frosted Microscopic Finish to...

The Emperor AUGUSTUS Adjustable Safety Razor

$64.97 USD
$69.97 USD

Vintange Bronze & Cognac An ultra heavy fat-handled adjustable safety razor The All-in-One razor: Adjustable dual head, fat & heavy Brass construction, hefty (134g) and long (110mm) This is Vikings...

The Chieftain 5 BC Safety Razor

$45.97 USD
$52.00 USD

The "5 BC" Edition does not come with blades This is the most High-End and Heaviest variation of the Chieftain Top specs: Eco-friendly, Ultra durable brass with vintage bronze plated zinc...

The Chieftain ATHENA Safety Razor

$21.97 USD
$26.00 USD

The Chieftain Athena is specifically designed for women The Chieftain Athena produces a mild and forgiving shave Eco-friendly and reduces plastic waste and landfills Comes with a complimentary pack of Swedish stainless...

The Emperor Adjustable Safety Razor

$59.97 USD
$65.97 USD

Frosted Chrome An ultra heavy fat-handled adjustable safety razor The All-in-One razor: Adjustable dual head, fat & heavy Brass construction, hefty (134g) and long (110mm) This is Vikings Blade's most...

10 "Mild" Swedish Steel Double Edge Razor Blades

$11.97 USD
$29.97 USD

10 double edge safety razor blades, mild and safe Platinum coated Swedish 13C26 steel blades from USA, printed and packaged in PRC Longest lasting: 5-7 shaves/blade Suitable for: Starters; Non-coarse hair; Sensitive skin...